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Dictionaries, Translators, & Other Language & Reference Tools
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Need a dictionary, encyclopedia, or thesaurus? Looking for a good collection of quotations, a ScrabbleTM dictionary, anagram engine, or acronym expander? From grammar, usage and style guides to etymological resources (the origins of words) — from encyclopedias and almanacs to why and how things work — the traditional library reference shelf is just clicks away! Most resources are free. Not only are the major English dictionaries available, there are dictionaries devoted to every language in the world! There are also specialized glossaries by industry, profession, or hobby. Encyclopedias are useful when you need a definitive information source, especially for science, history, geography or humanities topics. From Roget's and Bartlett's to jargon, slang, and rhyming dictionaries, all the resources you'll find at the library reference desk are online. Below are some examples.
Looking for online translation? Check out Systran. And feel free to download our travel translator. This printable Excel reference provides quick French, Spanish, Dutch, and German translations for common English travel terms.